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Saturday, 8 March 2014

Dermalogica Clear Start Kit

Hi everyone, so today im going to do a review on the Dermalogica Clear start Kit. It includes a foaming face wash, a toner, a daytime treatment, a matte moisturiser and a night time treatment -these products can also be purchased separately via the Demalogica website -.  The ingredients that are used in these products are really good for your skin such as tee tree and lavender.

The foaming face wash, I find is really good for getting rid of anything on your face and it is really nice to use if you just want to refresh your skin. I really like the all over toner as I have found that it really evens out my skin tone and tightens my pores slightly as when I stopped using it I found that my pores started to become larger and overall I just really, really like it.
 I find that the daytime treatment is good for preventing breakouts, applying it daily before my moisturiser I find that it does do some good. 
I have mixed opinions on the moisturiser as I have very dry skin and I don't feel like its moisturising enough for me so I would have to apply another moisturiser on top or mix them together, whereas I do feel like it would be great for oilier skin as it is not too greasy.
The night time treatment I only apply when I have breakouts as I don't feel like its necessary to apply it when you don't have any breakouts whereas I do find that it makes your breakouts go quicker.
Hope you liked it :-)

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